The Web of Interconnections: Unraveling the Complexities of Omics for Everyday Health

“In nature, nothing exists alone.” - Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Imagine a spider's web. Pull one thread, and the delicate structure shrinks, shrivels, or spoils. Each finespun fiber is essential to the stability of the whole. Similarly, the human body is an intricate web of interconnections. Here, genes, cells, tissues, organs, and environmental factors intertwine to shape and influence each other’s functions and our health outcomes. Consider how excessive sugar intake provides immediate energy for a big hike but can also preferentially feed rapidly dividing cells, including unwanted cancer cells. Reflect on how second-hand smoke may impair lung tissues, exacerbating respiratory issues and promoting systemic inflammation — even for those who’ve never taken a drag.




Envision the dark days of winter and how the absence of sunlight can reduce vitamin D levels in our bodies, impacting our mood, metabolism, and immune system. Each of these examples, along with millions of other associated threads, demonstrates how closely our diet and lifestyle choices and environmental exposures are woven into our feelings of well-being.

Our scientific understanding of these interrelated factors is ever-evolving. As we come to realize that the brain is indeed connected to the gut, that liver function influences hormone balance, and that stress levels can impact immune function, we introduce new paradigms that challenge conventional approaches to understanding and addressing illness. These discoveries show that the sickness begging for our attention is not an isolated consideration that can be tackled by one pill or protocol alone.

If we’re paying attention, this networked thinking certainly keeps us on our toes! It requires constant curiosity and questioning, inspiring us to move beyond supposed quick fixes, biohacks, and even standard practices for our more persistent health concerns. 

I find myself asking questions like:

  • How can we leverage this understanding to improve how we feel every day?

  • Are there additional layers of complexity yet to be discovered in this interconnected web? (The answer is likely yes.)

  • Can I, as a practitioner looking to help people like you, embrace interventions that specifically address and even nourish these tangled pathways?

As a Functional Medicine Nutritionist and practitioner of Narrative Medicine, my work has been guided by a simple yet important mantra that honors both curiosity and this profound physiological network. That mantra: 

everything is connected, we are all unique, and all things matter

This motto encapsulates the essence of my practice. There, I strive to empower patients, particularly those grappling with chronic illness, by helping them see the intricate web of connections within their own bodies, environments, and lived lives. Hashimoto’s is not a failure of their thyroid function alone. Prostate cancer isn’t just a result of immune deficiency. Depression, anxiety, and addiction are not merely matters of the mind. This philosophy aligns with the evolving field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI highlights the complex interplay between psychology, neurology, and the immune system – another trio of interconnected circuitry.

Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.
— Rosalind Franklin

But before we delve into the fascinating world of PNI (a topic for another post where we’ll explore why and how the stress in our lives can impact our immune function and ultimately our health outcomes), let's take a moment to consider the broader context of a scientific revolution in a field that speaks directly to the first part of my mantra. This field is called Omics. It’s a groundbreaking movement in biomedical science that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all biological systems. In other words, everything is connected. 

Sometimes, when I'm interviewed for a podcast, the host asks me why I'm so interested in Omics. The answer is simple: this field is revealing more and more about the web of interconnections in the body, highlighting the importance of both systems biology and systems thinking, two cornerstones of my work. How could I not be captivated by such deep insights? Especially when I’ve witnessed firsthand how more reductionist approaches often fail to address the complex, interconnected issues many patients face, leaving critical aspects of their health unexplored and untreated. To add insult to injury, those subjected to this type of oversight in their care often feel 'gaslit' by their healthcare providers as they continue their unresolved search for insights and answers. Omics hints toward a more holistic view that can transform both patient care and self-health care by mindfully acknowledging the full spectrum of factors influencing clinical outcomes. In other words, my awareness of the Omics revolution can (and does) help me help you feel better.


Beyond Dem Bones

When I was a kid, I remember dancing around my cool Aunt Beth’s sunken living room in a New Jersey suburb, shaking my little body to Dem Bones:

The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone

The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone

The hip bone's connected to the back bone

Now shake dem skeleton bones!

The back bone's connected to the neck bone

The neck bone's connected to the head bone

Now shake dem skeleton bones!

While I loved thinking about those connections and recognizing the structural links within my own body, Omics takes our understanding of interconnections beyond dem bones. Omics, which encompasses fields such as genomics, epigenomics, immunomics, and eco-genomics, signifies a paradigm shift and a revolutionary leap in our intelligence of human biology. Just as every bone in the song is connected, understanding how our body's systems are interrelated can inspire us to consider the various factors that influence our health.

Imagine you’re an architect with a blueprint that reveals not just the structure, but also the intricate wiring and plumbing of a vast, complex building. This blueprint allows you to see how every part of the building supports and communicates with others, ensuring that the entire system functions mutually and in coordination. Flipping a single switch activates light in multiple rooms, demonstrating how connected and dependent these systems are. Similarly,

Omics helps us understand that nothing in the body acts alone or autonomously.

Every cell, every molecule is part of a larger network influenced by both internal mechanisms and external elements — from the air we breathe and the food we eat to the broader environment and even our mental and emotional states. Thinking about our bodies like this complex building can remind us that even small changes in our environment or daily practices can have a ripple effect on our health, highlighting the importance of a broader and more holistic approach. Yes, in the landscape of our biology, everything is connected.

And yet the question still boils down to: So what? 

What impact does this all have on you personally

Sure, for me as a clinician this might be fascinating, but how could the deep interests of healthcare practitioners, scientists, and researchers in biomedical and academic institutions shape your approach to everyday self-health care and daily decisions?

Tissues, glands, organs, oh my!

Let’s continue to draw on analogies to deepen our understanding of the intricate web within us, and how conventional healthcare standards fail to address this interconnectedness. As you may have experienced, modern medicine often veers towards a fragmented and compartmentalized approach, divided into various 'ologies' — psychology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, rheumatology, and more. Instead of this siloed framework, imagine your body as a complex orchestra, with each organ and system playing its part in harmony. Every component of your body is linked in a beautifully symbiotic performance. Now, liken your digestive health to the viola section and your hormones to the piccolo players. Your cardiovascular function represents the percussion, with drums and snare setting the rhythm. You get the picture. While each 'musician’ can practice at home alone, they must come together to create the full score. And the role of the conductor is paramount to their synergy.

As you go about your day, your body orchestrates itself in an intricate symphony of interactions. Tissues communicate, glands adjust outputs, and organs fulfill their roles diligently, all under the masterful baton of your central nervous system, which functions automatically, with no required effort from you. You can think of yourself as an assistant conductor of your health, tuning into what your body needs and finding ways to create harmony in your life. Through rest, nourishment, and other self-care practices, you support the invisible conductor within, enhancing the overall performance and ensuring that each section of your body’s inner orchestra plays in unison.

Our understanding of this coordinated symphony is enhanced with each scientific breakthrough in the field of Omics. This recognition allows us to appreciate the roles of individual players and how beautifully they interact. The rhythm of your heart, the cleansing work of your liver, the protective response of your immune system — all these are arranged with biological precision, influenced by both internal mechanics and external factors. Appreciating these processes involves recognizing how factors, both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external), play a crucial role in our health. Even when an organ is transplanted from one body to another, whether human or animal, the focus shifts from the health of the individual organ to how well it is accepted by the recipient’s entire system. It’s no longer about the organ’s condition but instead about its integration and harmony with its new biological environment.

The Brain—is wider than the Sky—For—put them side by side—The one the other will contain.
— Emily Dickinson

By embracing simple insights informed by the Omics revolution, you equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health. Understanding the interconnected nature of your body systems can guide you in choosing what to eat, when to rest, how to manage stress, and when to seek medical advice – all elements that enhance your personal well-being without having to be a research scientist yourself.

With the foundation that everything is connected in mind, we are better equipped to explore how each part of this biological symphony contributes to our overall health. Just as 'The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone,' we can now consider more specifically how all of the organs and systems within your body harmonize throughout your daily activities.

  • Tissues: Here you can think about the epithelial tissues that act as a protective barrier on your skin. These tissues exist on the outside of your body, but also in your digestive, urogenital and respiratory tracts. You also have muscle tissue, nervous system tissue (in your brain, spinal cord, and nerves), connective tissue, and even adipose tissue.

The function of these tissues is connected to….

  • Glands: You have both endocrine and exocrine glands. For the former, you can consider your thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, pineal, pancreas, and more. For the latter, remember your salivary, sweat, sebaceous, mammary, and others. There are also additional glands located within your digestive system.

The function of the glands is connected to….

  • Organs: We know these as they’re easier to imagine. Envision your heart, liver, stomach, intestines, lungs, kidneys, and others.

The function of the organs is connected to….

  • Organ Systems: Here we can imagine the larger systems that contain the organs and glands. Systems like the digestive system, the immune system, the urinary system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the endocrine and reproductive systems. 

And these physiological systems are all connected to….

  • Surroundings: This can include the external environment and factors like air quality, temperature, humidity, and sunlight exposure. We also consider social and psychological environments, including interactions, relationships, stress levels, safety, and other lifestyle factors. And of course, we can think of relationships and populations inside the body as well, such as the microbial environment in various areas of the body. 

To put this into more practical terms, Omics highlights myriad connections, including how your thyroid gland regulates your metabolism, how your ovaries (if you have them) govern reproductive health, how your adrenal glands respond to stress, and how your pancreas helps control blood sugar levels, but not within a vacuum. Everything is connected. The body's inner workings are far from isolated, and instead form a dynamic network of interactions and influences that cannot be ignored. Perhaps more importantly, acknowledging this web of interconnections helps us to delve into the entangled communication networks between our different organs and systems, recognizing reciprocity between the brain, gut, skin, immune system, and more. And this holistic knowledge allows us to view the body as an integrated whole, rather than a collection of disparate systems treated by different specialists. 

The now familiar gut-brain axis is an excellent example of how distant systems within the body are profoundly interconnected. Scientific studies have shown that the health of our gut — often referred to as our “second brain” — can significantly influence our mental health. An imbalance in gut bacteria or chronic gastrointestinal issues can lead to or exacerbate conditions like depression and anxiety. The reasons for this are many but it’s good to know and remember that the gut produces a vast majority of our serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood and behavior. It then stands to reason that disturbances in the gut can directly affect serotonin levels, impacting mental health and our overall outlook. Clinically, this relationship, as well as several others that conjoin the gut and the brain, have led to innovative treatments for mental health disorders that include dietary modifications and foods that feed the microbiome to improve gut health as a way of managing mental health symptoms. This approach not only addresses the symptoms but also acknowledges the underlying causes or roots, demonstrating the importance of viewing the body as an integrated system rather than a collection of independent organs.

Note: Read to the end of the article to learn more about foods that feed your mood and microbiome.

Gut-Brain Connections

The connection between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the gut-brain axis, is a complex system that integrates the aspects of your hormones, immune, and nervous systems. Here are key factors that connect the gut and the brain:

  • neural pathways: The vagus nerve is one of the major neural connections between the gut and the brain, transmitting signals in both directions. This bidirectional communication system allows the brain to impact gut functions and vice versa.

  • neurotransmitters: The gut produces a wide array of neurotransmitters, including about 90% of the body's serotonin and 50% of its dopamine. Both are critical for mood regulation and can affect brain function.

  • microbiota: The microbes that inhabit the gut can produce and influence various biochemical signaling pathways that affect the brain through immune, endocrine, and direct neural mechanisms.

  • immune system modulation: The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) plays a crucial role in the immune response. Signals from the gut microbiota can influence immune responses that affect brain health, including inflammation that can impact mood and cognitive functions.

  • hormonal links: The gut secretes various hormones that can influence brain function, such as peptide YY and ghrelin, which are involved in hunger signaling and can also impact mood and behavior.

  • stress response: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which regulates stress response in the body, can be influenced by gut signals. Changes in gut microbiota can affect the HPA axis, influencing stress levels and behavioral responses.

  • inflammatory mediators: Pro-inflammatory cytokines produced in the gut can affect the brain. Changes in intestinal permeability, often referred to as "leaky gut," can allow substances from the gut to enter the bloodstream and potentially reach the brain, affecting inflammation and neural function.

I often think of these different constituents inside of us as our body's unique "soup" – a rich blend of ingredients that come together to create a distinctive flavor. That flavor is you. In this analogy, each organ and system is like a key element, contributing its own essence and texture to the overall composition. Just as a master chef carefully balances flavors to create a cohesive dish, our body maintains balance and homeostasis through intricate regulatory mechanisms and interactive feedback loops that ensure optimal function.

Take a moment to examine the Matrix diagram below. There you can see what I call the "soup" section in the middle, surrounded by various interconnected systems. That central section, comprising several key biological systems from your digestive to your hormones to your mental health, serves as a visual reminder of the interconnectedness of our physiological processes, where each component influences and is influenced by the factors that surround it. 

Ultimately, Omics, like Functional Medicine, prospects how these intertwined systems work together to maintain health and respond to the dys-function and disease that may occur within us. And yet it also recognizes how they are impacted by various historical, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The latter includes everything from our ancestry to our life events to our home environments, work conditions, relationships, exposure to pollutants, and myriad other extrinsic influences. Once again, everything is connected.


Omics’ Micro Messaging

In the laboratory, Omics research also brings us down to the molecular level — to the smallest units of biological activity. While unseen to the naked eye, the interconnections of the body are shown in great detail when we dive into this micro level. Here we consider the activities of individual molecules like DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites. These molecules also interact with each other to carry out essential functions and processes within our cells that reverberate to the functions of our organs and bodies and overall well-being. And Omics helps us to unravel how simple daily activities like sleep, breathing, and movement are deeply connected to the teeny biological elements within us. 

As an example, let’s consider the molecular impact of the simple act of quenching our thirst. At that imperceptible level, hydration – marked by the very perceptible water bottle, mason jar, or tea mug now within your arm’s reach – plays a fundamental role in supporting the intricate dance of activity deep within your cells. These microscopic entities are like the gears and cogs of a finely tuned machine. Each has a specific role to play in the orchestration of maintaining the services of your cells. And when they function well, this translates into the things we all want: a sharp mind, proper digestion of the food we eat, easy recovery from moving and using our body, good metabolism and hormone function, an immune system that is well-trained and maintained, and more. 

Continuing with our many analogies to help us understand the complexities of science, envision those molecules as performers in the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House in London. These devoted classical dancers move and interact with precision to carry out the delicate and complex steps of the chosen choreography in concert with one another. They lift, contact, and fly in the air past one another with exactitude. And just as dancers rely on the stage and each other, Omics shows us how molecules depend on hydration among other factors to perform their intricate roles within our cells.

Water, the universal solvent, is the fluid medium in which a diminutive ballet unfolds within you.

Omics helps us understand that when your body is properly hydrated, water molecules interact with biological molecules in ways that are crucial for optimal function, ensuring everything operates efficiently. Bottom line: appropriate hydration = healthy cells = healthy you (and better disease prevention and mitigation.) And through Omics, we continue to gain deeper insights into how hydration affects everything from genetic expression to immune response, illustrating the undeniable influence of our daily habits and activities on our biological systems.

Hydration also facilitates the proper folding and conformational changes of proteins, crucial for them to perform their jobs effectively inside our bodies. These proteins are like the itsy-bitsy workhorses of your body, carrying out countless tasks like digesting food, transporting oxygen, and fighting off infections. Imagine a key fitting perfectly into a lock – that's how proteins must interact with other molecules to perform their function. 

Here it's important to recognize that protein exists not only in the foods we eat but also at a cellular level within our bodies. I often see patients hyper-focused on consuming higher amounts of dietary protein for various reasons, from muscle building to weight loss to seductive messaging about the supposed powers of a singular macronutrient at the expense of others. And while dietary protein is undoubtedly important for our health, the zeitgeist has sometimes veered into excess, particularly in specific bodies that cannot easily process these increased quantities for a variety of reasons. In fact, needless protein consumption can actually increase the body's need for water. When we consume an abundance of protein-rich foods, our bodies require more water to help metabolize and eliminate waste products. Without adequate hydration, the kidneys may struggle to process the byproducts of protein metabolism. This endotoxic debris includes urea, ammonia, carbon dioxide, ketone bodies, and creatinine, all of which can potentially contribute to dehydration and unnecessary strain on the kidneys. I also wonder what we don’t eat when we hyper-index on one macronutrient’s benefits, deprioritizing the others. So before we get back to our molecules (and their proteins – which include internal agents you likely know, like insulin, collagen, enzymes, antibodies, hemoglobin, and more ), take this aside as a friendly reminder to strike a balance in your dietary intake, as your body is able. 

I’d like to also take a moment here to notice that in the discussion of cellular function, I am not focused on some fancy protocol presumed to directly target our DNA. No quercetin or curcumin or intermittent fasting for its impact on cellular stress response pathways, such as autophagy and cellular repair processes. (And if you don’t know what I’m talking about… good! Your social feed is not as tainted with supposed cellular stop-gaps as mine.) Nope. Nothing fancy. Just water. It’s all too easy to overlook the far-reaching impact that simple, everyday practices like staying hydrated can have on our health, right down to our cells.

The beneficial reverberations are profound: The water interacts with the molecules within our cells, influencing their behavior and ultimately informing our how we feel. This underscores the importance of understanding the intricate connections within our bodies and how seemingly small actions can actually have extensive effects.

Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress.
— Margaret Atwood

In case you aren’t thirsty yet, let’s explore further how inadequate hydration can disrupt this molecular dance we’re crafting, throwing off the delicate balance of cellular function. Without sufficient water, molecules may struggle to interact effectively. This can lead to errors in DNA replication, misfolding of proteins, and impaired metabolic reactions. This disruption can have far-reaching consequences. It can affect everything from energy to immunity, potentially contributing to the development or advancement of various disease states, including metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and autoimmune conditions.

Just as a well-hydrated dancer performs with grace and precision, well-hydrated cells operate at their peak, supporting our goals for optimal health and vitality. And when it comes to our recognition that everything is connected, we can associate this discussion of the impact of hydration on metabolic and cellular function to the field of metabolomics. Metabolomics provides insights into the metabolic pathways and biochemical reactions occurring within our cells. It sheds light on how cellular function is influenced by various factors, including hydration.

The power of these simple interactions as they relate to hidden health issues, can be seen with a recent client of mine. Felicia was suffering from extreme fatigue for reasons that were not clear. She'd been to many clinicians in a city well-stocked with smart thinkers and had received ample testing and investigation, but no clear and obvious diagnosis that explained her daily exhaustion. 

Despite the stack of historical measurements in her file, I asked Felicia to work with her primary care doctor to run an updated battery of simple serum labs. Felicia's new complete blood count (CBC) with differential revealed that her red blood cells were unusually concentrated and appeared deficient in their activity. This finding hinted at a contributing and potentially underlying cause of her fatigue, as red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues throughout the body. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, Felicia's cells may have been struggling to generate the energy needed to sustain her very busy daily activities. Water is also essential for maintaining the volume and viscosity of blood, ensuring that red blood cells can flow freely and subsequently deliver oxygen to tissues as efficiently as possible.

Based on this finding in Felicia’s labs, my first question to Felicia was about her hydration habits. She responded as if I had discovered a hidden secret and revealed that she's not very diligent about drinking water throughout the day for a variety of reasons, mostly having to do with inconvenience. This revelation sparked an important conversation and realization: the connection between hydration, red blood cell function, and subsequent energy levels. 

By neglecting her body’s (and cells’) hydration needs, Felicia may have inadvertently compromised her red blood cell function, leading to decreased oxygen delivery to her cells and contributing to her persistent fatigue. Even if it wasn’t a diagnosis or the singular cause of her daily burnout, this deficiency was certainly not helping matters. While drinking water and the subsequent trips to the bathroom are inconvenient, lacking energy is even less favorable. This insight underscores the importance of addressing hydration as a foundational aspect of optimizing cellular function and overall health. You don’t need to fast, take oodles of supplements or have me look at your labs to tell you that. 

Give it a try this week! Focus on hydration and see what happens. 

With this understanding, Felicia began to prioritize hydration as a key component of her daily routine. Through simple yet consistent efforts to increase her water intake, she began to notice improvements in her energy levels. By nourishing her cells with the hydration they needed, Felicia took a simple yet crucial step towards reclaiming her stamina and paying heed to the power of omics. Felicia became an omics operator.

Functional Ranges & Descriptions of Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

Below you will find the Functional ranges and various descriptions for red blood cells that will be measured on a CBC (complete blood count) in serum/blood labs. The notes are only in relation to hydration but there are certainly other nutrient deficiencies that can contribute to these markers showing results outside of the functional range. This is not meant for diagnosis, or to replace medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for interpretation of your lab results and personalized recommendations. And if you’re interested in the difference between Functional and Pathological lab ranges, you can read more about that in my article on labs at the Functional Nutrition Alliance here.

  • Red Blood Cell Count (RBC): 

    • 3.9 - 4.5 million cells/μL female; 4.2 - 4.9 million cells/μL male 

    • function: carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues

    • notes: Dehydration can result in a higher red blood cell count, as the blood becomes more concentrated with red blood cells; the actual number of red blood cells may not increase but their concentration in the blood is elevated due to the loss of plasma volume. Altitude changes can increase this concentration as well, whereas pregnancy can decrease the concentration.

  • Hemoglobin (Hb): 

    • 13.5 - 14.5 gm/dl female; 14.0 - 15.0 gm/dl male

    • function:  protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues

    • notes: Dehydration can cause an increase in hemoglobin concentration due to hemoconcentration. Diarrhea can increase as it leads to a significant loss of water. 

  • Hematocrit (Hct):

    • 37.0 - 44.0% female; 40.0 - 48.0% male

    • function: measure of the proportion of red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood

    • notes:  Dehydration can increase hematocrit levels by reducing plasma volume. Certain nutritional deficiencies can lower hematocrit levels. Regular physical activity and living at high altitudes can raise hematocrit levels, while excessive alcohol consumption can lower them. Proper hydration is essential to avoid artificially elevated hematocrit levels.

  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV):

    • 85.0 - 92.0 cu microns

    • function: volume of a single RBC

    • notes: Helps consideration of type of anemia. Hydration status can affect MCV measurements, so it's important to be well-hydrated before testing.

  • Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW): 

    • 0.0 - 13.0%

    • function: variation in size of RBCs

    • notes: Helpful in monitoring anemia therapies. Dehydration can cause variations in RDW, making hydration important for accurate measurements.

Recommendation: Next time you go to have labs drawn, even if they are meant to be fasting, make sure to hydrate well with plain water beforehand (unless your healthcare provider instructs you otherwise). Water does not impact the fasting state required for accurate test results. Unlike food or drinks containing calories, plain water does not contain sugars, fats, or proteins that could alter the levels of blood glucose or lipids being measured. 

Why?: Adequate hydration makes your veins more pliable and easier to access, which can make the blood draw less painful and the process smoother. In addition, being well-hydrated ensures that your blood isn't too concentrated, which helps in obtaining a more accurate measurement of red blood cell counts and other parameters. This is crucial because dehydration can skew certain lab results, leading to potential misinterpretations of your health status. Staying hydrated helps ensure that your test results reflect your true health condition without being influenced by variables like fluid balance.

Exposomics and Ecosystems

The concept of Omics extends far beyond the visible and tangible boundaries of our bodies, reaching into the vast and interconnected world that surrounds us. Just as we observe the intricate interplay of genes, proteins, and metabolites through the microscope and detailed lab results, the field of exposomics invites us to consider the broader environmental canvas on which our biological systems are painted. This emerging discipline examines how external factors like air quality, pollutants, temperature, humidity, and sunlight weave into the fabric of our cellular environment, influencing our health in significant ways.

By exploring the interactions between our bodies and their external environments, we uncover seamless continuity, revealing a complex, dynamic interplay that shapes our health at every level.

To make this tangible, consider how air quality impacts our respiratory system. Poor air quality, filled with pollutants, can cause inflammation in our airways, leading to chronic respiratory conditions like asthma or bronchitis. These conditions, in turn, can affect our overall energy levels and immune response. Here in Oregon, we frequently experience forest fires that dramatically degrade air quality. The thick smoke from these fires contains particulate matter and harmful chemicals that can penetrate deep into our lungs. Breathing in this polluted air can trigger immediate respiratory issues, exacerbate existing conditions like asthma, and cause long-term damage to our lung tissues.

But the effects of forest fire smoke extend beyond the respiratory system. The particles and toxins in the smoke can enter the bloodstream and cause systemic inflammation, which can further disrupt immune function. For folks with chronic conditions like Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the stress and inflammation caused by smoke exposure can reactivate dormant viruses. This reactivation occurs because the immune system, already taxed by fighting off the toxins, becomes less effective at keeping latent viruses in check. Consequently, symptoms of EBV, such as fatigue, fever, and swollen lymph nodes, can resurface, adding another layer of health challenges for seemingly unrelated reasons.

My dear friend and environmental toxins expert, Lara Adler, brilliantly explores how seemingly innocuous factors like our personal care products, cooking pans and methods, and food storage containers can influence both weight and metabolism. These influences, known as obesogens, can disrupt endocrine function and metabolic processes, illustrating yet another way our environment impacts our biological systems. Omics research supports these insights by revealing the molecular and cellular pathways through which these external elements exert their impact, helping us understand the precise mechanisms involved.

Temperature and humidity also play a critical role. Extreme temperatures can stress the body, leading to conditions like heat stroke or hypothermia. Humidity levels can impact respiratory conditions and skin health, also exacerbating issues like eczema or asthma. Understanding these connections through the lens of exposomics allows us to appreciate the profound impact of our environment on our biological systems and overall health.

By integrating these insights, we can make informed choices about our environments and lifestyles, enhancing our health and health outcomes. Whether it's choosing to live in areas with better air quality, spending more time outdoors in natural sunlight, or adjusting indoor environments to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels, these small changes can have significant effects on our health. Remember my mantra: everything is connected, we are all unique, and all things matter. And yet it’s important to focus where you can. Take manageable steps toward creating a healthier environment for yourself. Highlight what you can influence and adopt right now and while all things do matter, don’t think you have to concern yourself with all the things you want to or wish you could do all at once.


Omics in Action - From Cutting Edge Clinical Care to Your Dinner Table

While we’ve been focusing on the take home message of Omics — everything is connected — giving us each more power and agency over our own health, I’d be remiss if I didn’t highlight how Omics is being put to work to further medical research and patient care.

When my late husband, Isamu, was diagnosed with a brain tumor – glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) – it was in the early days of cancer genomics. This field of Omics provides valuable insights into the genetic mutations underlying various cancers. By sequencing the genomes of cancer cells, researchers identify specific mutations, allowing for more targeted and individualized therapies.

Cancer genomics forms the basis of Precision Medicine, translating lab findings to the clinic. This approach customizes healthcare interventions based on an individual's unique genetic makeup, environment, and lifestyle, integrating data from genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and other Omics disciplines. Physicians can make informed treatment decisions tailored to each patient's specific needs, with a deeper understanding of the problem and its terrain.

Here it's important to distinguish between clinical-grade cancer genomics and direct-to-consumer genomic testing. While consumer testing offers interesting insights  and is largely popular for ancestry and biohackers, it lacks the comprehensive analysis and practical relevance of cancer genomics performed in medical settings. Clinical-grade cancer genomics involves rigorous testing and interpretation by professionals, providing meticulous and actionable results that can be integrated into patient care plans. It’s performed with the intention of determining the route of treatment. These interventions are tailored to the individual's specific cancer subtype and molecular profile.

When Isamu received his diagnosis in April 2000, cancer genomics was just in its infancy. For context, the Human Genome Project was completed three years later, in April 2003. The methods used at that time were labor-intensive and limited in their ability to analyze large-scale genomic data. Genomic testing for cancer was mainly performed in research settings rather than routine oncology centers. I remember our clinical cancer advocate lobbying hard to get a portion of Isamu's tumor for genomic analysis. I also remember that the logistics were challenging, and the entire process felt overwhelming. Reflecting back now, with a deeper understanding of cancer genomics' potential, I appreciate the significance of our efforts. But what stands out in my memory is the struggle to convince the pathology team to send the tumor specimen for genomic screening. The onus was on us, the patients. That process would be vastly different today. What seemed experimental then is now a more accepted part of cancer treatment.

That said, the widespread adoption of cancer genomics in routine clinical care remains gradual. Its full potential is still emerging, and it’s currently used selectively in top medical settings and only for certain cancers. Universal implementation will take time as scientific advancements translate into clinical practice. Nonetheless, the progress in cancer genomics is guiding us forward.

The Promise of Pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenomics, another exciting frontier in Omics, studies how genes affect a person's response to drugs. By combining pharmacology and genomics, this field identifies the most effective and safe medications and doses for an individual based on aspects of their genetic makeup. Understanding the genetic factors influencing drug metabolism allows clinicians to prescribe medications that are more successful and have fewer side effects. This personalized approach is transforming the treatment of conditions like depression, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, ensuring that treatments are as individualized as the patients themselves.

A previous client, Alex, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in his late teens. At the time, Alex was prescribed a standard mood-stabilizing drug. Instead of stabilizing his mood, the medication made him feel disconnected and irritable, causing erratic behavior, weight gain, and persistent fatigue.

Desperate for a solution, I worked with Alex's family to find a clinician specializing in pharmacogenomics. Genetic testing revealed that Alex had specific genetic variations affecting how his body metabolized the drug. The standard medication dose was too high for his needs, leading to significant adverse reactions and ineffective symptom control.

Armed with this new information, Alex’s clinician prescribed an alternative medication better suited to his genetic profile. The pharmacogenomic test results helped guide the choice of the drug and its optimal dosage. Within a few weeks of starting the new medication, Alex’s mood stabilized without the unwanted aftermath of symptoms. He felt more like himself and could engage in daily activities with renewed energy and focus.

Alex’s case illustrates the transformative potential of pharmacogenomics. Healthcare providers can avoid the trial-and-error approach of traditional prescribing methods and. can offer treatments that improve efficacy and minimize adverse effects. It’s a great example of how Omics is making its way into clinical care.

Bringing Omics Home

While cancer genomics and pharmacogenomics represent the cutting edge of clinical care, the principles of Omics are equally relevant to our daily lives, especially in how we feed and nourish our bodies. Our diet influences our health, we know this. But it’s not just through the nutrients we consume but also by shaping our microbiome – the community of microorganisms living in our digestive tract. When we feed the microbiome, a practice that we can seamlessly integrate into our every day, we also feed our desired health outcomes.

We are legion, each and every one of us. Always a we and never a me.
— Ed Young

The microbiome fits into the field of Omics through the discipline known as microbiomics. Microbiomics studies the complex communities of microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes) that live in and on the human body, particularly focusing on their roles in health and disease.

Microbiomics investigates how the human microbial communities interact with each other and the host (that’s you!) to influence various physiological processes. These interactions can have profound effects on:

  • Digestion and Nutrition: Microbes in the gut help break down complex carbohydrates and synthesize essential vitamins and nutrients.

    • Gut microbes break down dietary fiber into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, acetate, and propionate, which serve as energy sources for colon cells and have anti-inflammatory properties. 

    • They also synthesize essential vitamins such as vitamin K and certain B vitamins, which are crucial for blood clotting, energy production, and overall metabolic function. Functional digestion and nutrient absorption are critical for maintaining energy levels, supporting immune function, and preventing malnutrition.

  • Immune Function: The microbiome plays a critical role in training and modulating the immune system. This is essential for defending against infections, reducing inflammation, and preventing autoimmune diseases.

    • Probiotic rich foods can enhance the gut barrier function, preventing harmful pathogens from entering the bloodstream. 

    • Prebiotics, which are dietary fibers that feed beneficial bacteria, help maintain a balanced microbial community that supports immune health. 

  • Mental Health: As we’ve noted, there is growing evidence of the gut-brain axis, where gut microbes can influence brain function and behavior.

    • Gut microbes produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which are critical for regulating mood and anxiety. Tryptophan, an amino acid found in turkey and bananas, is a precursor to serotonin. 

    • Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseeds, support brain health and reduce inflammation. 

    • SCFAs produced by gut bacteria can influence the brain by reducing inflammation and maintaining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier..

  • Disease States: Dysbiosis, or imbalance in the microbial community, has been linked to conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), obesity, diabetes, and even certain cancers.

    • Dysbiosis can lead to increased intestinal permeability (or what’s commonly called “leaky gut”), allowing harmful substances to enter the bloodstream and trigger systemic inflammation. This inflammation is a common factor in chronic diseases such as IBD, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. 

    • A diet high in anti-inflammatory compounds like omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols (found in vegetables, fruits, tea, and dark chocolate) can help restore a healthy microbial balance. 

    • Fiber-rich foods support beneficial bacteria that protect against inflammation and maintain gut health. By preventing dysbiosis, we can reduce the risk of developing these chronic conditions and improve overall health outcomes.

Feed Your Microbiome

Are you experiencing "leaky" gut? Struggling with ADD/ADHD, cognitive issues, memory lapses, or behavioral challenges? Battling autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Multiple Sclerosis, or Hashimoto’s? Dealing with weight-related health issues or chronic inflammation?

Why have these health issues become so common?

The rise in these chronic conditions is linked to dramatic shifts in our modern diet and lifestyle. Factors such as hyper-sanitization, increasing rates of C-section births, overuse of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, reduced consumption of plant-based foods, carbohydrate-heavy diets, and the prevalence of genetically modified (GMO) foods all contribute to the disruption of our gut microbiota. Even lack of sleep can impact your microbiome! This disruption can lead to dysbiosis and a loss of ecological diversity in our bodies.

By nurturing our gut microbiome with the right nutrients, we can support digestion, modulate immune function, enhance mental health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. This interconnected view of health underscores the Omics principle that everything is connected, and emphasizes how we can borrow from science to bring these practices home.

It's time to reverse this trend and focus on feeding your microbiome. Let’s develop a 3-part food-first approach to enhance your ecological success and health triumphs.

Feeding Your Microbiome with Ferments

From birth onwards, the human gut microbiota swiftly increases in diversity, reaching an adult-like stage at about three years of age. After this age, the composition may fluctuate in response to external factors such as the environment, antibiotics, and the foods we consume. Eating fermented or probiotic-rich foods is an age-old secret to protecting health as well as preserving foods. The traditional process of fermentation allows airborne bacteria to grow on food to prevent it from spoiling. Once consumed, that bacteria, which is known as lactic acid bacteria, supports the growth of the healthy population of bacteria in your intestines.

The benefits of eating fermented foods were first discovered at the turn of the last century by Dr. Elie Metchnikoff, who received a Nobel Prize for his work on probiotics. His research led to the understanding that ferments can:

  • prevent chronic and degenerative diseases

  • improve digestion

  • possess anti-cancer and immune-boosting properties

  • control inflammation

When it comes to feeding your microbiome with ferments, remember that a little goes a long way. Think of kraut more as a condiment, not a side dish. Have one to three forkfuls with each meal to boost digestion and give yourself a steady, daily dose of the good bacteria your gut needs. (Start slow and see how you feel!)

Ferments to Feed Your Microbiome:

  • yogurt

  • kefir

  • sauerkraut

  • kimchi

  • miso

  • tempeh

  • natto

  • kombucha

  • traditional pickles

  • fermented vegetables

  • sourdough bread

  • beet kvass

  • apple cider vinegar

  • and other traditional foods

Are there any foods on this list that you already eat regularly? Any that you see you can add with some consistency? Pick one or two items from the list that are familiar to you or that you have an interest in trying and see if you can make them a part of your daily routine. 

If there are food categories that are a “no” for you, like dairy or gluten, then be sure to choose the appropriate versions of those foods – like coconut yogurt instead of dairy yogurt or gluten-free sourdough instead of traditional wheat sourdough. In addition, please note that some folks’ systems cannot handle ferments at all. If you experience any adverse reactions such as bloating, gas, or digestive discomfort, as well as a flare of any immune symptoms, it’s important to listen to your body and possibly reduce the amount or frequency of these foods or eliminate them completely while you support your body coming into more balance. While it may be ideal to include fermented foods in your diet, that might not be the ideal thing for every body in this moment. I call this the “heal vs. ideal”.

Feeding Your Microbiome with Resistant Starch

Resistant starch is like nutrition for the probiotic bacteria in your colon. This type of starch resists digestion. What this means is that it travels through the gastrointestinal tract – the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, and the small intestine – without breaking down and becoming fuel for the cells throughout your body’s system, like other foods do. Once resistant starch reaches the colon, it is ready to do its job.

In the colon or large intestine, much resistant starch is converted to short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), one of which is called butyrate. Butyrate not only helps the colon to rebuild, repair, and replenish, but it helps to lower cancer risk and increase the population of good colon bacteria to ward off disease. Butyrate is like a superfood for your colon, and resistant starch is how you deliver that superfood!

The benefits of consuming resistant starch include:

  • reduction of inflammation in the colon by helping to lower the colon pH

  • supporting the repair of digestive dysfunctions including symptoms related to both IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD (irritable bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis)

  • potential increase in the absorption of minerals

  • improved insulin sensitivity for blood sugar management and control

Resistant starch foods that feed your microbiome:

  • cooked and cooled potatoes (potato flour and/or starch)

  • cooked and cooled rice

  • green bananas

  • green plantains (and their flour)

  • legumes such as lentils and chickpeas

  • cashews

  • raw oats

  • green mango

  • tigernuts

  • whole grains (cooked and cooled)

  • note: all these foods should be consumed in a non-heated fashion to experience their benefits

If you experience gas or bloating, watch how you feel when adding these foods that contain resistant starch. You may have to start low and go slow.

Feeding Your Microbiome with Polyphenol-Rich Foods

Polyphenol may be a crazy-sounding word, but polyphenol-rich foods are easy to include in your diet, and your belly (and your immune system) will love them.

Chemical constituents in this class of food also travel through your small intestine largely undigested, like those resistant starches. The portion of the polyphenol-rich foods that make it to the colon are broken down by your gut bacteria into metabolites that increase the good bacteria and decrease the bad bacteria, helping you with your healthy inner ecology.

Several of these foods, including green tea, also have anti-microbial and anti-biofilm activity, supporting the inhibition of yeast overgrowth like Candida albicans and the formation of bacteria like E. coli. These yeasts, when out of their commensal or healthy proportions can also disrupt the balanced microbiota population. The polyphenols essentially act as prebiotics for your gut bacteria. Prebiotics are like food for your good bacteria. The relationship between the polyphenol-rich foods and your gut bacteria is symbiotic. The bacteria work to break down the chemical bonds in the polyphenols to their biologically active components, and the polyphenols feed and shape the make-up of the bacterial population. A win-win!

Feed Your Microbiome with Polyphenol-rich foods:

  • blueberries

  • flaxseed meal (freshly ground and refrigerated)

  • raw cacao and dark chocolate

  • plums

  • cherries

  • hazelnuts

  • red wine (if tolerated)

  • red and black grapes

  • pomegranate

  • blackberries

  • raspberries

  • turmeric

  • green tea

  • olives and olive oil

  • apples

  • spinach

  • coffee (if tolerated)

  • turmeric

As with all foods that feed your microbiome, start low and go slow. Allow these lists to help you celebrate the ways in which you may already be working in concert with your microbiome’s needs and how you are also taking the lessons of Omics right to the table. 

Embrace the Symphony Within

At the heart of Omics lies the recognition that everything is connected. Biological systems are dynamically connected to each other and the greater ecosystem in a symphony of biochemical communications. 

When we embrace these connections, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate our health journey with curiosity, mindfulness, and a holistic perspective. And the best part?

Applying the principles of Omics to our everyday lives (and reaping the benefits!) is easier than you might think.

You can make a significant impact on your health by taking small, actionable steps like staying hydrated, choosing nutrient-rich foods, and supporting your microbiome with fermented foods, resistant starch and polyphenols.

And as more of us embrace the interconnectedness of our biological systems, we can transform our approach to health and our desired health outcomes — making it both achievable and sustainable.

Remember, in the grand tapestry of life, everything is connected. So every little step you take matters. (And that’s a part of my mantra for another day!)

The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
— Aristotle

Narrative Medicine Invitation:

Write about the concept of "it takes a village".

Note: There is no “right” or “wrong” here. No “good” or “bad”. Set a timer for just 5 minutes, see what comes to mind, and write freely. I invite you to write as an act of release, not to be or become a writer. 

Share your insights and reflections in the comments below or feel free to send them to me at



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Mending 2: sleep


Productive Living: Becoming CEO of Your Health