The Power of Food as Medicine
In this episode, Andrea discusses the hidden epidemic of inflammation and how external toxins, paired with internal imbalances, can damage our health. Andrea emphasizes non-negotiable health basics: sleep, digestion, and blood sugar regulation. She encourages us to stop being strangers to our bodies and embrace food as medicine.
Filling the Healthcare Gap
In this episode, Andrea discusses her story of resiliency, the frameworks she’s created to help people heal, her experience with Hashimoto’s Disease, and so much more.

Letter to My Body
Here goes … I’m about to share something deep and personal that helped to shape my journey as a Functional Nutritionist.
Keeping functional nutrition FUNCTIONAL
In this episode, Andrea talks about integrating personal tragedy; how “everything is connected, we are all unique, and all things matter;” what she’ll NEVER recommend on a podcast; trauma, weight loss physiology, what the patient-practitioner relationship SHOULD look like, and much more.
How Functional Nutrition Can Improve Your Health
In this episode, we take a deeper dive into how functional nutrition can help you solve unanswered health issues. Andrea explains how to individualize your health and wellness, how to understand your health triggers, and how food can be medicine.
Sustainable Strategies for Managing Chronic Illness with Diet
In this episode, Andrea Nakayama challenges us to think about learning a way of eating that is sustainable for years to come, instead of trying the newest uber restrictive diet. This way of eating allows your detox pathways to function optimally, where you can feel your best day in and day out, and travel is a breeze because it's just how you eat!
Women and Cardiac Disease: Getting to the Roots
In this episode, Andrea talks about her functional nutritional model for health and longevity. She also shares with us her FOOD FIRST guidelines for getting the nutrients we need in the foods we eat daily including, excessive sugar intake and going beyond the cholesterol numbers to look at the constellation.
Reclaim OWNERSHIP Over Your Own Health
In this episode, Andrea discusses how to reclaim ownership over your own health through listening to your body and utilizing the foundations of functional nutrition to identify solutions that are right and best for you.
A Nutritionist On Inflammation
Inflammation: We've been taught, for the most part, that it's "bad." But Andrea is here to dispel that. We chat on how to identify inflammation, the causes of it, what can be done to treat it, and address what foods could be the culprit.
How to use Functional Nutrition to Improve Your Health
Andrea explains her methods of strategically approaching symptoms from a root-cause based mindset. She discusses the 3 tiers of nutrition mastery and her best recommendation to identify the source of your symptoms.
How The Empathy Trap Impacts Healthcare
In this episode, Andrea discusses what the Empathy Trap is and why so many of us fall into it, leading to negative results. Tune in if you say you're empathetic but constantly feel anxious and overwhelmed! We discuss how to balance empathy with personal boundaries through her ART framework for patient care - which is a powerful tool for any leader in any industry.
3 Pillars of Health
In this episode, Andrea discusses what she calls the 3 Pillars of Health: Genes, Digestion, and Inflammation. Andrea is a Functional Medicine Nutritionist, educator, speaker, founder of Functional Nutrition Alliance, and the host/producer of the 15-Minute Matrix podcast.
Your Diagnosis Isn’t Your Root Cause
In this episode, Andrea discusses why your diagnosis isn’t your root cause.
Fatigue is a common side effect of autoimmune disease, but it can have many other root causes as well. For some people, it’s mild and manageable. For others, it can be disabling. Yet it’s not a diagnosis in itself – it’s a symptom. In this episode, we take a detective’s perspective on fatigue. If symptoms are messengers, what is our fatigue trying to communicate about our own unique body? How can we restore our vitality again?
Hashimoto’s Disease
Andrea is a woman living with Hashimoto’s herself, who is also an expert in the field professionally. In this episode, learn what tests are included in a complete thyroid panel, how to find a good doctor, and how to manage ever-changing symptoms in a way that feels empowering, rather than disheartening. Even if you don’t have thyroid issues, this show is worth a listen. A surprising number of symptoms can have undiagnosed thyroid issues at their root.

How a Noble Prize Winner in Economics Informs Our Self-Health Care
I have a reframe for you. It's inspired by the Nobel Prize-winning Israeli-American economist and Princeton University professor emeritus Daniel Kahneman.

Individuality in Healthcare
There are so many terms used to explain individuality in healthcare today. Yet it can be confusing to know what any signifier in front of the word “medicine” actually means.

Mapping the Biology of Trauma with Dr. Amy Apigiaon
Dr. Aimie Apigian, medical expert in stored trauma, joins me to discuss biological trauma, its origins and its impact on overall health. Listen-in to learn how cellular resilience translates to emotional resilience. This episode really helps us to see the full web of interconnections!
Mapping Chronic Illness with Meghan O’Rourke
Author and researcher Meghan O’Rourke, takes us into the world of chronic illness including a discussion on how long Covid and chronic illness intersect. Meghan uses her own health journey and deep investigation to highlight and illuminate the struggles of those who suffer in her book “The Invisible Kingdom”. You won’t want to miss this powerful conversation with one of my favorite authors!