Autoimmunity, Chronic Health Issues, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio Autoimmunity, Chronic Health Issues, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio

[Tough Times], Finding Your Way to Post Traumatic Growth

For the last 20+ years, Andrea helped those with chronic and autoimmune illnesses identify the healing protocol that will help them finally feel better and become the expert that they’ve been looking for. She has an incredible personal story but she's also worked with people for decades now to help them do something that we don't tend to focus on enough: experience Post Traumatic Growth.

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Navigating Medical Appointments

In this episode, Andrea shares how to navigate medical appointments and get the most from them, despite the biases that many people experience while in appointments. You’ll learn about how to navigate conventional medical appointments as well as functional and what it truly means to be your own advocate.

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Self-Advocacy, Autoimmunity, Chronic Health Issues The Beauty Shop Studio Self-Advocacy, Autoimmunity, Chronic Health Issues The Beauty Shop Studio

The Most Important Question You Need to Ask Yourself

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what are your health non-negotiables? We need to get better at asking ourselves this question, especially when we are dealing with chronic symptoms or diseases. While everyone's approach to healing is different, we all need to get clear on what is 100% true for us in order to heal our bodies and create agency over our health.

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Developing a Holistic Self Awareness

Andrea's passion for functional nutrition began when her husband, Isamu, was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor. It was through the trying experience of prolonging his life for another 2 years that she discovered a burning passion to transform the health industry. In this episode, you'll discover the power of functional nutrition and how you can use holistic self-awareness to heal your body.

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How The Empathy Trap Impacts Healthcare

In this episode, Andrea discusses what the Empathy Trap is and why so many of us fall into it, leading to negative results.  Tune in if you say you're empathetic but constantly feel anxious and overwhelmed! We discuss how to balance empathy with personal boundaries through her ART framework for patient care - which is a powerful tool for any leader in any industry.

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Chronic Health Issues, Autoimmunity, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio Chronic Health Issues, Autoimmunity, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio

Creating Energy and Abundance

Andrea leads individuals, coaches, and clinicians around the world in a revolution reclaiming ownership of both their own and their clients’ health. Andrea draws on systems biology, mental models, root cause methodology and the therapeutic partnership to offer long-awaited solutions for the rapidly growing chronic illness epidemic.

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Self-Advocacy, Mental Health, Chronic Health Issues The Beauty Shop Studio Self-Advocacy, Mental Health, Chronic Health Issues The Beauty Shop Studio

Biases in Health Care and Medical Gaslighting

Systemic biases can have profound impacts on how we receive medical care and support. Members of marginalized communities may be brushed off, misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and mistreated within the medical system, sometimes with catastrophic effects. In this episode, Andrea discusses bias, medical gaslighting, a systems approach to health, and how to advocate for yourself in medical settings.

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Become the CEO of Your Own Health

Are you tired of feeling like you don’t have your health under control or given answers or solutions that don’t really solve your problems? Then this is the episode for you! Andrea is determined to empower patients to exercise their own self-health and become the CEO of their journey. In this conversation, Andrea discusses how our health is more than a simple quick fix and ways in which we can look at all parts of our systems to find methods and practices that work best for us.

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Chronic Health Issues, Inflammation, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio Chronic Health Issues, Inflammation, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio


Fatigue is a common side effect of autoimmune disease, but it can have many other root causes as well. For some people, it’s mild and manageable. For others, it can be disabling. Yet it’s not a diagnosis in itself – it’s a symptom. In this episode, we take a detective’s perspective on fatigue. If symptoms are messengers, what is our fatigue trying to communicate about our own unique body? How can we restore our vitality again?

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Sleep, Hormones, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio Sleep, Hormones, Self-Advocacy The Beauty Shop Studio

3 Tiers Of Poor Sleep - Part 1

In this episode you will learn the 4 ways that sleep supports the healing paradigm and the 8 aspects that constitute tier 1 aspects of sleep deficiency. Andrea synthesizes art and science, empathy and physiology, intuition and problem solving, into a system that truly helps people get to the root cause of their illness, create a path towards wellness, and find their way back to life.

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